Thursday 24 February 2011


Here's a few film shots of my new lil' nephew Liam, born on Valentine's day! Squeeeeeee.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Fall Out Boy '09!!

I won tickets for front of mosh pit and a group pre-show q&a session with FOB :D

Tyson Ritter from All-American Rejects
*It's Tyson Ritter's pants!*

Pete Wentz...Well, he walked on top of us. Security carried him right onto the crowd.
I held his jeans and his finger!! Nom.

Taken on my lil' canon IXUS, 'cos I was in the mosh pit! Thank God we were up the front, or I would've died. I'm short.

Film noir.

This is from a 'film noir' studio shoot we did last year at uni; seeing as I'm cramming all the half-decent photos I have on this new blog I might as well go all the way. Trust that I'd only have my lil' IXUS on me. Ah well.

Me classmates, snappin' away :)

Vintage-y goodness (feat. Fang)

Expensive, though.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Thursday 17 February 2011

Shot from aforementioned botched film.

The claw machine-game-thingo outside work - I was wasting film to see how it turned out...